Saturday 18th November 2015 - We planted some trees donated by members. Tree Planting Ceromony by Chinese Student from St Paul - See ‘What’s Happening’Saturday 17th October 2015 - Mulch Spreading, WeedingFriday 16th October 2015 - Visit by St Paul’s Students. See ‘What’s Happening’ for detailsSaturday 19th September 2015 - Mulch Spreading, Weeding We are experimenting with Emu Bushes (Eremophila) as we have been advised that they are extremely Drought Resistant.9th September 2015 - Bald Hills Neighbourhood Watch presents a cheque for $300 to Bald Hills Bushies. See ‘What’s Happening’ for detailsSaturday 20th August 2015 - Mulch Spreading, WeedingSaturday 19th July 2015 - Mulch Spreading, WeedingSaturday 21st June 2015 - We continued with our Mulch Spreading activities as well as clearing some intrusive vines from one of the beds.Saturday 17th May 2015 - Mulch Spreading, WeedingSaturday 18th April 2015 -A kind donation from State Member Tracy Davies has enabled us to purchase some new tools so that we can continue with our effortsSaturday 21st March 2015 -We met at the shed but were unable to do any work because of the theft of our wheelbarrows and pitch forks. We discussed possible funding to replace the stolen items. We finished the meeting with a walk around several of the beds to determining actions needed for future meetings.We also walked down to the Scar Tree as several members had not seen it before. (See What’s Happening).